Get to know our staff – Port Security Officer Kari Riutta

Kari Riutta works in the Port’s authority and security services in the combined position of Harbour Master and Port Security Officer, with emphasis on security issues. His job description includes many issues related to security and preparedness. Kari is Sea Captain by education.
”I came to work in the Port in 1996. First I worked as a deputy of harbour pilot, then as Harbour Inspector and Harbour Master. My job comprises very much of mundane preparations, inquiries and getting ready. It goes best, if nobody notices anything. We work together with shipping companies, other security officers and the authorities, and aim at dealing with any threats to safety beforehand. We have a good security network in Turku.”
”I spent 15 years at sea. It was fun sailing around the seas when I was younger. Now that I have a family, it’s just perfect to have a job like this in my hometown.”