Get to know our staff – Shift Supervisor Timo Jokiranta

Shift Supervisor Timo Jokiranta works in Port Control as Shift Supervisor of vessel services and crane operations. In practice it means co-operation with the shipping company agents and supervising of work when a ship arrives, is moored and unmoored, and water is supplied, as well as crane operations. Timo and his colleagues run the Port Control in such a way that the ships receive service when they need it.
”As a young man I left for the sea to work for five years and then came to Turku to be trained as a first mate in Aboa Mare. I first got a summer job in the Port deputising in port control. I graduated in 1987, and there was a vacancy of a harbour pilot in the autumn for which the competence requirement was first mate’s certificate. I got the job at the beginning of the following year. After that the world has changed, piloting has been transferred to State sea pilots, and I’m now in a supervisory position. That sums up 30 years.”
”In the Port the days are never alike. At best you are there on the quay with people and even though you’re not on board a ship, the sea is near. I need to be able to see and smell the sea.”