Port of Turku is enhancing cargo supervision in the West Harbour

The gate system of the West Harbour is being upgraded into an efficient modern cargo supervision system. After the installation of the system, all vehicles and the register numbers of trailers arriving in and leaving the West Harbour will be photographed.
”The gate system is integrated into the shipping companies’ own systems and will register the time of arrival and departure of vehicles and trailers. It will also help in investigating any damages, as the photos will show whether the damage has occurred before the arrival in the port or during the sea voyage. In the future, a weighing system for ensuring the correct load weight will be integrated in the system”, says Jaakko Nirhamo, Sales Director of the Port of Turku.
The reform of the gate systems is part of the digitalisation of the port operations, in which the Port of Turku wants to be a trailblazer. The gate system of the West Harbour will be built from 2018–2019. A similar system will be set up in the passenger harbour as part of the NextGen Link project. The implementation will take place in phases starting from the beginning of the next year.